Cox's Bazar Truck Pickup Covered Van Rental Available | Cox's Bazar Rent A Car

কক্সবাজার > সদর,   Marine drive,Kolatoli New beach Cox's Bazar

বিজ্ঞাপনটি ফেসবুকে শেয়ার করুন
৳  ৫,০০০ /কিলো

ক্যাটাগরি পিকাপ

বিজ্ঞাপনদাতা: TruckBD71

চ্যাটিং (বিজ্ঞাপনদাতার সাথে)
Active(17 d ago)

  ফোনে যোগাযগ: verified number


Pickup Rental In Cox's Bazar for easy home office shifting services 01771536999.  Our company name is TRUCKBD71 we are faithfully engaged in home and office shifting services for more than a century.  We are skilled and experienced.  So, hire a truck pick up or covered van from anywhere in Cox's Bazar to transport legitimate goods to your home office or organization.

 We offer affordable prices
 ✓Mini pickup rental
 ✓Rental of medium and large size pickups
 ✓Truck rental and all types of covered van rental

 Visit our official website to know more about us.  truckbd71  Or directly call this number 01771536999

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